Racism in America: Ballad of Birmingham

“You may go to church instead and sing in the children’s choir.” I think that this refers to how innocent and appropriate for the youth it is to be in a children’s choir. This piece of evidence may be to show how innocent the child in the story is.

“No, baby, no, you may not go, for the dogs are fierce and wild.” This is most likely referring to the police or anti protesters. Towards the African Americans, a lot of them would act with violence just like how there are dogs that are ‘wild’, ‘fierce’ and relentless.

“The mother smiled to know her child was in the sacred place.” To me, this is an interesting one. She thinks that this ‘sacred place’ she’s in is church, but unbenounced to the mother, the actual sacred place her child is in is heaven, which also has a religious correlation.

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